Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Long time, no blog!

Well, I sure went AWOL! Here it is, the start of September, and my last post was halfway through June. Shameful, absolutely shameful. Can I plead a busy summer? Between travel to San Diego, Seattle, Dallas, and College Station/Houston, as well as a month of summer school which included a food & wine class on Tuesday nights, I was absolutely swamped. Which is not to say that food was not on my mind. Far from. I had some wonderful meals, including:

Seafood at the Oceannaire in San Diego

Charcuterie at its finest at prepkitchen in San Diego

Some fabulous Korean barbecue in San Diego

Ridiculous cups of molten chocolate and cream at Cafe Presse in Seattle

And, without photographic evidence, a truly lovely meal at the Mockingbird Bistro in Houston.

So it's been a summer of good eats....just bad blogging. I've gotten around to sorting my photos of the last two San Antonio restaurants we toured, and tonight is another culinary adventure. I promise I'll blog about it too. See? I promised. That's, like, official and stuff.

Missed you, interwebs.


Peteandmel said...

Welcome back!

Megan and Tavis said...

Thanks! Glad you didn't lose my address during the shuffle!