I am packing tee shirts, a shorts, a capri and a skirt. A new Nikon Coolpix L100 with a 50G memory card. Our passports, ID and credit card (which we still need to call and assure our bank that it's us and not a Nigerian prince using overseas). No laptop. Many shoes, due to the very un-Asian enormity of my feet. Notebooks. "Making Out in Japanese." (Which I swear is informative on many more subjects than the titular.) My three faithful companions.
I can say, roughly, "impossible!" "um..." "crap!" "I'm so sorry" "delicious!" "what is it?" "really truly?" And no Korean.
I have researched by reading Lonely Planet's "Tokyo Encounter" and spending hours scanning http://www.japan-guide.com and http://guides.travelchannel.com/tokyo as well as briefly consulting our friends who actually live in Japan. Why they were not my first source, I will never fully understand.
I have four nights' stay in Tokyo arranged. No daily itinerary, beyond the basic understanding that I want to shop in Shibuya, ogle in Harajuku, stay the night with Buddhist monks in Koya-san and eat everything everywhere.
Oh yeah, this is happening.
Summertime Sweets
7 months ago
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